

  1. InnoGIO based in Warsaw runs a store at and sells via the Internet, hereinafter referred to as the “Store”. The subject of the Store’s activity is the sale of new and original products for children. A detailed list of products and their unit prices is available on the Store’s website.
  2. A person making purchases in the Store, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer” may be a natural person with full or limited legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality but having legal capacity, using the Store, including in particular making purchases. The buyer who is a natural person making purchases in the Online Store to the extent not directly related to his business or professional activity (in accordance with Article 221 of the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (i.e. Journal of Laws 2014.121), will be hereinafter referred to as the “Consumer” .
  3. The person selling the products contained in the Store’s offer is the owner of the Store – InnoGIO Limited Company with its registered office in Warsaw at Ostrodzka Street No. 74H, 03-289 Warsaw, conducting business activity registered in the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000745608, share capital PLN 5400, NIP (Tax Identification Number): PL5252760351, e-mail address: (hereinafter also: “Store Owner”).
  4. These regulations (hereinafter: “Regulations”) specify the rules for concluding contracts for the sale of goods (products) in the store, indicate the obligations of the Store towards the Buyer, and the rights and obligations of the Buyer arising from the implementation of the sales contract, taking into account the rules of complaint procedure.
  5. Agreements concluded through the Store by Consumers are distance agreements concluded with the entrepreneur within the meaning of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014.827).
  6. To use the Store, you need a computer with access to the Internet and a web browser, as well as an active e-mail account.
  7. Using the Store requires the acceptance of these Regulations by the Buyer.



  1. The subject of the order by the Buyer may only be products presented on the Store’s website at the time of placing the order by the Buyer.
  2. Products presented on the Store’s website do not constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 71 of the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (i.e. Journal of Laws 2014.121 as amended) – they are only an invitation to conclude a contract. Conclusion of the contract of sale of the selected product, on the conditions specified in its description on the Store’s website, takes place upon confirmation of the order.
  3. Prices of all products on the Store’s website are expressed in Polish zlotys and include VAT. The prices do not include delivery costs. Delivery costs depend on the method of delivery of the product to the Buyer, on the value and size of the subject of the order, and are given when choosing the method of delivery of the goods by the Buyer. The total cost of the order together with the delivery costs is indicated before the Buyer places the order.
  4. The Store Owner reserves the right to make changes in product prices on an ongoing basis and to carry out and cancel all types of promotional campaigns or sales. Making the changes referred to in the previous sentence does not affect orders placed by the Buyer before the date of entry into force of the price change, terms of promotional campaigns or sales.
  5. The terms of all promotional campaigns and sales will be set out in separate regulations.
  6. The products presented on the Store’s website are new and original, and free from defects (physical and legal), having the required approvals and permits for marketing.



  1. The Buyer may place the order directly on the website – after the Buyer’s registration or without registration – and providing correct data and providing the delivery address. Registration in the Store and use of the Store functionalities are free.
  2. To place an order correctly:
    a) select the product that is the subject of the order, and then click “Add to basket” (or equivalent);
    b) choose the type of shipment (method of product delivery);
    c) enter the recipient’s details and the address to which the product is to be delivered. If you choose courier delivery, the Buyer may additionally enter his phone number to contact the courier.
    d) enter the invoice details, if different from the order pickup details, if a VAT invoice is to be issued to the Buyer;
    e) click “Order and pay” or “Order and pay on delivery”, depending on the choice of payment method;
  3. After placing the order directly on the website, the Buyer will receive an automatically generated e-mail containing detailed information about the placed order.
  4. By the end of the next business day, the Store will confirm by e-mail the Buyer’s order for acceptance.
  5. In the event of any inaccuracies in the content of the order confirmation, please contact the Store by e-mail to or by telephone on +48508311775 to clarify the matter.
  6. Placing an order by the Buyer means submitting to the Store Owner an offer to conclude a sales contract for the ordered product. The contract is concluded when the Buyer receives an e-mail confirmation of acceptance of the final order, referred to in point 4. After this action, the Buyer cannot edit the order placed.
  7. The Store may refuse to cancel an order and cancel it, or refuse to reserve goods for an order, if at any stage of the order the Store staff fail to contact the Buyer within 3 (say: three) business days from the first attempt to contact.
  8. The Store Owner reserves the right to limit delivery methods and forms of payment in relation to the Buyer, who – at least three times – did not pick up the subject of the order delivered via post, payable on delivery, within 14 days from the day of delivery to the appropriate outlet by post, or did not pick up the subject of the order sent by courier.



  1. The waiting time for shipment is the time the shipment is prepared and the delivery time.
  2. The standard delivery time of a parcel posted by the Store is 24 business hours and is counted from the moment it is delivered to the courier company until it is picked up by the Buyer. Do not include non-working days (i.e. Saturdays and Sundays, public and church holidays, etc.) until delivery. Orders are shipped every business day until 17:00 and depend on the availability of goods in the warehouse. For goods marked with the status “we ship immediately” the shipment is carried out within 24 hours of receiving payment by the Store. For goods marked with the status “shipping 3 to 7 days” and “shipping up to 10” days, the date of shipment is sent to the Buyer individually after determining the availability with the manufacturer.
  3. In special cases (e.g. difficulties related to bad weather, unforeseen random events, etc.), the delivery time may be longer, for which the Store is not responsible.
  4. If during the order process it turns out that the Store is not able to complete the order due to unavailability of the product, the Store Owner undertakes to inform the Buyer by phone or via e-mail about this fact immediately, not later than on the thirtieth (in words: thirtieth) day from the moment of placing the confirmed order (conclusion of the sales contract). The Store will refund the Buyer the amounts that the Buyer has transferred to the Store under the sales contract.
    If it is not possible to carry out part of the order, the Store Owner may offer the Buyer:
    a) canceling the order in full;
    b) canceling the order in a part in which the implementation is not possible within the prescribed period;
    c) splitting the order and setting a new deadline for the part of the contract that cannot be completed within the originally set deadline (if this option is selected by the Buyer, the products included in the order will be sent in several separate shipments, and the Buyer will not incurred additional costs related to splitting the order into several shipments).
  5. In the event that the Buyer does not choose any of the methods of the contract in the situation referred to in point 5 of this paragraph (including in the absence of contact with the Buyer for reasons not attributable to the Store Owner), the Store Owner will provide the Buyer with products for which the order can be completed on time, the remaining order will be cancelled, of which The buyer will be notified to the e-mail address provided in the order.
  6. In the event of cancelling the order in the situation specified in paragraph 5 of this paragraph, if the payment for the subject of the order has been made in advance, the Store Owner will refund the sum paid to the Buyer (or part thereof if the order is partially completed).
  7. Preparation for shipment – in particular due to the individual nature of the order – can take up to 20 (twenty) business days.
  8. The cost of delivery of the ordered products to the address indicated by the Buyer is indicated when choosing the form of delivery of the ordered goods.
  9. The store is not responsible for delay or lack of delivery of the ordered product in the event that the Buyer incorrectly or incompletely enters information about the addressee or place of delivery of the product in the ordering process.
  10. Before collecting the parcel from the courier, the Buyer should check whether the packaging has not been damaged during transport. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the tapes and seals securing the parcel in case of damage to the parcel’s packaging, seals or sealing tapes, or the goods themselves, as well as if the received product is incomplete. In such a situation, the Buyer should immediately contact the Store to clarify the situation and determine further actions, and as far as possible should refuse to accept the parcel and prepare in the presence of the courier a report containing relevant information (in particular an indication of deficiencies or damages and the date and time of delivery). The above does not affect the Buyer’s rights arising from generally applicable laws.



  1. Payment for the order may take the form of:
    a. transfer to a bank account:
    • Transfers in PLN – account number PL13 1600 1462 1749 3982 0000 0001 carried out by BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna, or
    • Transfers in EUR – account number PL83 1600 1462 1749 3982 0000 0002; BIC SWIFT PPABPLPK carried out by BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna
  2. via speed payment or credit card
  3. If you choose the form of payment in the form of a bank transfer, the order will be sent to the Buyer only when the payment reaches the indicated bank account.



  1. Each purchased product is accompanied by a sales receipt or VAT invoice – at the option of the Buyer – and delivered with that product.



  1. The Store Owner is liable to the Buyer when the sold product has a physical or legal defect (warranty), where the physical defect is the non-compliance of the delivered products with the contract. The buyer has the right to lodge a complaint within 2 years from the date the product was issued to him by the store owner.
  2. The Store Owner is responsible under the warranty for physical defects that existed at the time the danger passed to the Buyer or resulted from a reason inherent in the item sold at the same time. If the item sold has a defect, the Buyer may submit a statement on price reduction or withdrawal from the contract, unless the Store Owner immediately and without undue inconvenience to the Buyer replaces the defective item with a non-defective one or removes the defect. This limitation does not apply if the item has already been replaced or repaired by the Store Owner or the Store Owner did not satisfy the obligation to exchange the item for one free of defects or to remove the defect.
  3. The consumer may instead of the removal of the defect proposed by the store owner request replacement of the item for a non-defective one or instead of the replacement of the item demand the removal of the defect, unless bringing the item into compliance with the contract in the manner chosen by the consumer is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the method proposed by the owner store. When assessing the excess of costs, the value of the item free from defects, the type and significance of the defect found are taken into account, as well as the inconvenience to which the Consumer would be exposed in a different way.
  4. In order to consider the complaint, the Buyer should deliver the complained goods along with proof of purchase of the goods to the registered office of the Store Owner and description of the complaint. The consumer bears only the direct cost of returning the item. The Store Owner responds to the Buyer’s request immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
  5. If the complaint is accepted, the product (product) will be repaired or exchanged for one free of defects and re-delivered to the Buyer at the expense of the Store. If it is not possible to repair or replace the Store, within 7 (seven) days of considering the complaint, the Buyer will refund the amount paid to the bank account indicated by him.
  6. Pursuant to the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014.827), the consumer may withdraw from the contract (order) without giving reasons, by submitting an appropriate statement. Information regarding the right of withdrawal by the Consumer is attached as Annex 1 to these Regulations. The form of the statement of withdrawal is attached as Annex 2 to these Regulations.
  7. In the event of withdrawal from the contract referred to in paragraph 6 of this paragraph, the contract is considered null and void. If the Consumer has made a statement of withdrawal from the contract before the Store Owner has confirmed acceptance of his offer, the offer ceases to be binding.
  8. The product will be refunded to the bank account indicated by the Buyer, and if it is not indicated, the refund will be in the form of a postal order to the Buyer’s address provided when placing the order.
  9. The Store Owner will refund the payment immediately, but not later than within 14 calendar days in the event of:
    a) cancelling the order or part of the order paid in advance before its implementation – the appropriate part of the price will be refunded;
    b) withdrawal from the contract;
    c) recognizing the complaint and the inability to replace the product, remove the product defect or reduce the price.
  10. The warranty conditions are specified by the manufacturers or producers of the goods (products) or their authorized representatives. Warranty entitlements should be exercised in accordance with the conditions set out on the warranty card and in the service network / service provider indicated in it. Any warranty claims may also be submitted to guarantors through the Store, with the warranty claim being submitted to the Buyer responsible for the warranty.



  1. The administrator of the Personal Data of Buyers registered or making purchases in the online store is the company InnoGIO sp.z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw at Ostrodzka street no 74H, postal code: 03-289, VAT PL5252760351
  2. The Store processes the personal data of Buyers on the principles set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection), national laws, including in the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data and national executive acts while maintaining the procedures for the protection of personal data described in these legal acts.
  3. Detailed rules for the processing of personal data by the Store and the rights of the Buyer in the protection of personal data related to him are set out in the Privacy Policy (located at: Before registering / creating a user account or making a purchase, the Buyer is obliged to familiarize himself with the principles of personal data processing applied by the Store, in particular with the Buyer’s rights arising from them. A statement of familiarization with the rules of processing personal data is required for proper registration and authentication of the Buyer in the Store.



  1. In matters not covered by these regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code and the provisions of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827) shall apply.
  2. The Store Owner declares that he does not apply any of the codes of good practice referred to in art. 2 point 5 of the Act of 23 August 2007 on counteracting unfair market practices (2007.171.1206, as amended).
  3. The Store Owner reserves the right to temporarily or partially disable the functionality of the Store without giving a reason. This provision does not apply to ongoing contracts. This provision may not infringe upon the acquired rights of existing Buyers.
  4. The Buyer has the right to contact the Store’s service in matters related to: purchases, products offered by the Store, etc. by electronic means via the contact form, email address and by phone on +48508311775
  5. The Store reserves the right to amend these Regulations at any time. Amendments to the Regulations apply from the moment they are posted on the Store’s website and apply only to sales contracts concluded after the posting of changes. The introduced changes may not infringe upon the acquired rights of existing Buyers.
  6. The current Store Regulations are available at:, in the version applicable to the Buyer, may also be made available to the Buyer of the Store free of charge at his request in electronic form (PDF file).
  7. Any disputes arising in connection with the performance of contracts between the Store and the Buyer or the application of these Regulations will be settled amicably as a result of negotiations. If no amicable settlement is possible, as indicated in the preceding sentence, the competent court will be the court with substantive and local jurisdiction to resolve the dispute.
  8. These Regulations shall enter into force on May 25, 2018.

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